Janurary 4, 2017

I have yet to put any terms on 2017. I haven’t defined 2017; I havent laid out any goals or resolutions. Why? Because even the best laid plans, can fall through. I am hesitant to put any definition into 2017, because I i am scared. 

I am scared of the vast possibilities 2017 has to bring. 2016 was hard. It was a trying year, filled with so much good, but still affected by all the not so good. I had a lot of plans for 2016, and it turns out that 2016 had a lot of plans, too! 2016 was good and filled with so much light. Marissa and I got engaged, I had my one year anniversary at my job, we adopted Nala, went to Texas. But 2016, also managed to realy hurt: we lost our housing and had to move in with my future in-laws, the 2016 election, close family members got sick, and we had to face a lot of combined mental illnesses. 

2016 was really hard. When I look back at defining moments in 2016, I can’t necessarily isolate any bad ones. But the low moments in 2016, kept me feeling very low. I spent a lot of time trying to understand what my mind was going through and a lot of energy, trying to improve my daily life. I think it’s fair to say, that I did not succeed in improving my mental health for 2016.

In 2017,  I’d like to get married, I’d like to go back to school, develop solid fitness habits, travel/have experiences, get our own place (AGAIN), and be happy. I know that some things on my list may not happen. But there a few things that, I’m confident I can pull off. For example, “be happy”- I know that happiness is a journey and not a destination, and so this year, I’m going to focus more on being happy, continually. No matter where I am, or how many items have been checked off my list. 

I hope that 2016 was good to you, and I pray that 2017 will be gentle and kind to you. 

                                                             New Year.

                                                           New Feels. 

                                                         New Chances. 

                                                         Same Dreams. 

                                                          Fresh Starts.